About webhooks

2022-08-22Last updated

A webhook is a user-defined HTTP callback. A webhook can be triggered by an event in a web application and can be used to send data or notifications to a third-party Application Programming Interface (API).

Webhooks in Genetec ClearID™

In ClearID, webhooks can be created and used to notify third-party APIs when specific events occur.
Webhooks page in ClearID showing webhooks Name, URL, Event, Description, and Status.

For example, an email notification with a link to detailed information about an identity could be sent when an Identity updated event occurs, or if you require other stakeholders to be notified after an Identity requests created or Identity requests updated event occurs.

Webhook processing

After the webhook is created, the webhook service listens for a subset of specified events coming from other ClearID services. When the specified event occurs the webhook service notifies the API specified in the Webhook details section URL field.

Webhook event schemas

The schema describes the object that is sent through the webhook and the contents of the schema vary depending on the event type specified. The webhook event schema can be downloaded from the Event section of the webhook to help understand the data structure of the events so that they can be retrieved and processed correctly on the user's side of the webhook integration.

Webhooks details page in ClearID showing an Identity created event with the Download schema button highlighted.

For more information about downloading the schema, see Creating webhooks.

Webhook logs

Third-party API owners can use webhook logs to verify the status of every HTTP callback request sent to the third-party URL and to troubleshoot unreceived webhooks or other associated issues. For example, sender issues, receiver issues, and so on.

Webhook logs include the following:
Callback date
When the callback was sent (includes date range filters).
The URL used to forward the webhook event notification to the relevant third-party API (program or application).
The response state indicates whether the HTTP callback was successfully received by third-party API or not. For example, accepted, bad request, internal server error, and so on.
Logs section of a webhook details page in ClearID showing callback date, URL, and Response status.
Note: The webhook Logs section is only displayed at the end of the webhook details after the first callback has occurred.