SMS alerts
2021-07-21Last updated
In Genetec ClearID™, SMS alerts are used in the visit event wizard to automatically send notifications to visitor hosts to inform them when visitors check-in.
SMS alerts for visitor check-in are supported for the following countries:
Country | Country code |
Austria | +43 |
Australia | +61 |
Belgium | +32 |
Brazil | +55 |
Canada | +1 |
Chile | +56 |
Columbia | +57 |
Croatia | +385 |
Czech republic (the) | +420 |
Denmark | +45 |
Finland | +358 |
France | +33 |
Germany | +49 |
Greece | +30 |
Iceland | +354 |
India | +91 |
Ireland | +353 |
Italy | +39 |
Japan | +81 |
Luxembourg | +352 |
Malaysia | +60 |
Mexico | +52 |
Monaco | +377 |
Netherlands | +31 |
Norway | +47 |
Peru | +51 |
Philippines (the) | +63 |
Portugal | +351 |
Romania | +40 |
Singapore | +65 |
Spain | +34 |
Sweden | +46 |
Switzerland | +41 |
Taiwan (Province of China) | +886 |
Thailand | +66 |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) | +44 |
United States of America (the) | +1 |
Vietnam | +84 |