Viewing a site and area owners report

2023-08-31Last updated

You can view a site and area owners report to get a global view of all identities and their permissions.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have assigned identities for the following:

What you should know

Only an account administrator or site owner can view a Site and area owners report to review all identities and their permissions. When the report is used by a site owner, only information about their own sites is shown.


  1. From the homepage, click Reports > Site and Area owners report .
    Site and area owners report in Genetec ClearID™.
  2. In the Site and area owners report page, select the filters that you require.
    1. In the Site column, click to filter the results by site.
      Site filters in the Site and area owners report in ClearID.
    2. In the Area column, click to filter the results by area.
      Area filters in the Site and area owners report in ClearID.
    3. In the Identity column, click to open a search dialog and filter the results by an identity.
      Identity search filter in the Site and area owners report in ClearID.
    4. In the Permissions column, click to filter the results by permission type.
      Permission filters in the Site and area owners report in ClearID.
    5. In the Delegated from column, click to open a search dialog and filter the results by a person delegating tasks.
      Delegated from search filter in the Site and area owners report in ClearID.
    6. In the Identity status column, click to filter the results by identity status.
      Identity status filters in the Site and area owners report in ClearID.
    7. In the Web portal access column, click to filter the results by web portal access.
      Web portal access filters in the Site and area owners report in ClearID.
  3. Click Download CSV, to download a copy of the site and area owners report in CSV format. This report format can be used for auditing purposes, to keep a physical copy, to attach to an audit request, to review offline, or to manipulate or consolidate data in a spreadsheet for other audiences.
    1. Follow your browser prompts to complete downloading the exported file.
      The file is exported as a .CSV file to the default download location for your browser. By default the exported file is created using the report name and download date. For example, SiteAreaOwners_2022-02-14.csv.
      Note: The columns and entries in the CSV file can vary depending on the filters you have selected when you download the report.
  4. (Optional) Click to reset filter selections.