Adding area managers

2020-08-11Last updated

Area managers are composed of two distinct roles: area owners and area approvers. Before you can define policies for an area, assign area approvers, or approve or deny access requests for an area, you must add your area managers.

Before you begin

Create your areas.

What you should know

  • Only area owners or site owners can add area managers in Genetec ClearID™.
  • In Genetec ClearID™, an area owner is an identity that has authority over an area. The owner can define the policy for an area and assign area approvers.
  • In Genetec ClearID™, an area approver is an identity that has approval authority over an area. The approver can approve or deny access requests for an area. They are also responsible for area access review approvals.


  1. Click Organization > Areas .
  2. From the Areas list, select an area.
  3. Click Managers to add area managers.
  4. Use the Search field or click Add () to add area managers.
  5. Select the required user or users and click Confirm.
  6. Select the Role type for the user or users you added:
    • Owner
    • Approver
    • Both
  7. Click Save.
The selected people are added to the area as an owner, an approver, or both.

After you finish

Adding schedules to an area.