Adding schedules to an area

2023-03-03Last updated

Before you can grant people access to an area, you must add schedules to your areas.

Before you begin

Define schedules in Security Center. For more information, see Creating schedules.

What you should know

  • Only area owners can add schedules to an area in Genetec ClearID™.
  • A schedule is an entity that defines a set of time constraints that can be applied to a multitude of situations in the system. Each time constraint is defined by a date coverage (daily, weekly, ordinal, or specific) and a time coverage (all day, fixed range, daytime, and nighttime).
  • The schedules that are available for selection vary depending on the schedules defined in the Security Center access control system that is selected when you create your area.
  • Some schedule examples include: Always, Weekdays, Weekend, 09:00-17:00, and so on.
  • When a schedule is added to an area, an access rule is automatically created in Security Center. The area-schedule access rule defines the schedule that is associated with the area. ClearID automatically adds and removes access for a cardholder or cardholder group listed in the access rule based on the schedule specified in ClearID.


  1. Click Organization > Areas .
  2. From the Areas list, select an area.
  3. Click Schedules.
  4. Click Add schedule to configure your area schedule.
    1. Enter a search term and click Search ().
    2. Select a schedule from the list and click Confirm.
      This list only shows schedules that are not already in your Schedules list.
    3. (Optional) Repeat previous substeps to add additional schedules.
  5. (Optional) Click Remove () to remove any schedules that are no longer required.
  6. Click Save.
Your schedules have been added to the area.
Schedules page in ClearID with Bistro area selected and showing the Always schedule.

After you finish

Grant access to your area.