Adding watchlist managers

2021-07-23Last updated

In Genetec ClearID™, a watchlist manager is an identity that is responsible for watchlists. A watchlist manager can create or modify watchlists and add individuals or companies to a watchlist. They are also responsible for configuring watchlists as a site-specific watchlist or a global watchlist. Before you can add or modify watchlists or configure watchlist settings, you must add your watchlist managers.

Before you begin

Create your sites.

What you should know

To add watchlist managers in Genetec ClearID™, you must be an account administrator.


  1. Click Organization > Sites .
  2. Select your site and click Permissions.
  3. (Optional) Click Add identity to add identities to the site Permissions list.
    1. Search for or select the identities that you require and click Add.
      Tip: You can click the identity hyperlink in the Identity column to review identity details (company, department, home site, supervisor, and email) and to verify that you have the correct identities in the list.
  4. Select the Watchlist manager check box to assign watchlist manager permissions to an identity.
    1. (Optional) Clear a check box to remove individual permissions that are no longer required from an identity.
    2. (Optional) Click to remove all permissions that are no longer required from an identity.
  5. Click Save.

After you finish

Add your watchlists.