Setting up automatic expiration for access reviews

2023-01-27Last updated

To ensure that reviewers only review current access information, you can specify an expiration period for access reviews. Failure to set an expiration could result in reviewers reviewing outdated information.

Before you begin

Learn about access reviews.

What you should know

Only an account administrator can configure the expiration settings for access reviews.
Best Practice: The access reviews expiration setting is enabled by default and the default expiration period is set at 30 days.
  • The expiration duration set for access reviews applies to all access reviews in the system.
  • The new expiration setting is only applied to access reviews created after the setting is enabled or modified.
  • When the access reviews expire, their status is set to Expired.
    • Access reviews displayed in My tasks are then changed to Completed with the status Expired.


  1. From the homepage, click Organization > Access reviews .
  2. Click Three vertical white dots.. then click Configure.
    Access reviews page in Genetec ClearID™ showing the settings dialog and the access reviews expiration settings.
  3. In the Settings dialog, select or enter the expiration duration that you require for your organization.
    Tip: Pick an expiration interval that matches the access reviews requirement for your organization. Also bear in mind any audit or legal requirements that might be applicable.
  4. (Optional) If your organization does not want to enforce expiration for access reviews, clear the Enforce an expiration for access reviews checkbox.
  5. Click Save to confirm your changes.

After you finish

Set up your access reviews.