Updating existing identities from an external data source

2023-07-06Last updated

When users that have already been created have the same external ID as existing users, you can use Genetec ClearID™ One Identity Synchronization Tool to update the existing identities information from an external data source.

What you should know

This procedure is relevant for newly installed ClearID One Identity Synchronization Tool service when the Genetec ClearID™ environment already contains identities that are also present in the external system data source.
  • When an external ID already exists in ClearID, that identity is updated with the values provided in the data sources.
  • When an identity from the data source does not exist in One Identity (for example, on the first synchronization), the service tries to create the identity in ClearID.
  • When the creation fails because the identity already exists, that identity is then fetched and updated.


  1. To reproduce a newly installed service, delete the file mappings under %ProgramData%\Genetec\OneIdentity\Configuration.
  2. Configure a data source that already contains one or more identities that are present in ClearID.
    The identities in the data source should have the same external ID and email as the identities in ClearID.
  3. Start the synchronization and wait for completion.
The identities in ClearID are updated with the mappings from the data source.