About One Identity Synchronization Tool logs

2023-07-11Last updated

The Genetec ClearID™ One Identity Synchronization Tool includes logs that can be used for troubleshooting. The logs can be used to check the status of the configuration tool, the windows service, or review synchronization activities.

The ClearID One Identity Synchronization Tool uses the industry-standard Apache log4net™ framework for logging.

The logging configuration can be changed for both the synchronization service and the synchronization tool.
  • To change the Genetec.ClearID.OneIdentity.SynchronizationService (OneIdentityService.exe) logging configuration, you can modify the log4net.service.config file.
  • To change the Genetec.ClearID.OneIdentity.SynchronizationTool (OneIdentityConfigurationTool.exe) logging configuration, you can modify the log4net.ct.config file.

These log configuration files are found in the installation folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Genetec ClearID One Identity Synchronization Service.

The default settings are as follows:
  • Log level is WARN.
  • File size before rolling is 10Mb.
  • Max rolling backups is 10.

For more information about the supported values and how to change them, see the Apache log4net documentation.