About One Identity Synchronization Tool attribute fields

2023-07-03Last updated

When you synchronize an external system with Genetec ClearID™ using the Genetec ClearID™ One Identity Synchronization Tool, your external system attributes are synchronized (imported) into ClearID identity attributes using the field mappings in the One Identity Synchronization Tool.

Note: The data source order is important because the first data source always overrides common fields.

Identity attributes

One Identity field Data type Description
Unique ID*

* This field is mandatory.

Text field A unique ID for the identity. The unique ID can be an alphanumeric code or an email address. For example, Employee number xyz12345.
Important: (Azure Active Directory only) If you ever change the mapping of the Unique ID it can cause duplicate data issues.
Activation date DateTime The date that the identity is activated. For example, 1/11/2022.
Note: All invariant culture DateTime formats are supported.
City Text field The city where the identity is located. For example, Paris.
Company Text field The company name. For example, Genetec™.
Country code Text field The three letter country code (UPPERCASE). For example, the USA or CAN.
Note: The three-letter country codes are based on the Alpha-3 codes in the ISO 3166-1 country codes standard.
Date of birth DateTime The identity’s date of birth. For example, 7/21/2022.
Note: All invariant culture DateTime formats are supported.
Department Text field The department name. For example, IT or Marketing.
Description Text field The identity description.
Email address Text field The primary email address (business email) for the identity. For example, [email protected]
Employee number Text field The identity's employee number.
Expiration date DateTime The date that the identity expires.
Note: All invariant culture DateTime formats are supported.
First name Text field The first name of the identity.
Job title Text field The job title of the identity.
Last name Text field The last name of the identity.
Middle name Text field The middle name of the identity
Mobile phone number Text field The secondary phone number (Mobile phone number) For example, 555-555-5555.
Personal email Text field The secondary email address (personal email) for the identity. For example, [email protected]
Phone number Text field The primary phone number (Office phone number) For example, 555-555-5555.
Picture Image A picture in the format of a blob, a base64 string, or a path to an image.
Supported values:
  • File path - uses a standard windows file path. The path must be accessible from the server.
  • base64 encoded string - uses a standard base 64 encoding.
  • Binary - binary data.
Supported Image formats: png, jpeg, and bmp.
Preferred name Text field The preferred name of the identity.
Provisioning attributes Text field Provisioning attributes as defined and configured by the customer for their environment. The list items are separated by a pipe character "|". For example, A1| A2| A3.
State or province Text field. The state or province where the identity is located.
Status Text field The Identity activation status. For example, Active or Inactive.
Supervisor name Text field The name of the identity's supervisor.
Supervisors Text field The list of unique supervisor IDs for the identity. The list items are separated by a pipe character "|". For example, A1| A2| A3.
Use extended grant time Boolean value The value that enables or disables the Use extended grant time option. For example, TRUE or FALSE.
User type Text field The type of user. For example, Admin or User.
Username Text field The email used by the identity to log on to ClearID.
Web portal access Text field The value that enables or disables web portal access. For example, 0 FALSE or 1 TRUE.
Worker type code Text field The worker type code.
Worker type description Text field The worker type description.
Zip or postal code Text field. The Zip or postal code of the identity's location.