Reviewing cardholders and identities information

2022-08-31Last updated

To ensure that cardholders are correctly associated with their corresponding identities in Genetec ClearID™ when systems are added, check that all cardholders have a valid business email address.

Before you begin

Learn about cardholder and identity relationships.

What you should know

This procedure is only applicable when you are setting up ClearID with an existing Synergis™ system that contains cardholders.
  • All existing cardholders in Security Center require a valid business email address before they can be associated with their corresponding identities in ClearID.
  • If all cardholders are created by ClearID, then the GUID is used to associate the cardholders with their corresponding identities automatically.


To review identities in ClearID:
  1. From the Home page, click Organization > Identities .
  2. Click an identity in the list to see the identity details.
    The following example shows a ClearID identity:
To review cardholders associated with a ClearID identity:
  1. From the Home page, click Organization > Identities .
  2. Click an identity in the list to see the identity details.
  3. Click Access control.
    A list of Security Center cardholders associated with a ClearID identity is displayed in the Associated cardholders section.

After you finish

Add your systems.