Downloading and installing the plugin

2020-10-21Last updated

To integrate Genetec ClearID™ web application into Security Center, you must install the ClearID plugin on a Security Center server and on all client workstations.

Before you begin

Ensure the following:

What you should know

Best Practice: Although it is possible to host the ClearID role on any server, it is a best practice to host that role on a dedicated expansion server for best system performance.
  • To install or configure the plugin in Security Center, you must be a Site administrator. For example, local security, system integrator, or Security Center administrator.
  • Synergis Professional or Omnicast Professional is required for plugins support in Security Center.
  • Failover or Federation™ are not supported.


  1. Open the GTAP Product Download page.
  2. From the Download Finder list, select your version of Security Center.
  3. Search for your package by name and download it.
  4. Download the plugin .exe file here.
  5. Follow your browser prompts to download the .exe file.
  6. Stop the Genetec server, and close Security Desk and Config Tool.
  7. Open the extracted folder, right-click the setup.exe file, and click Run as administrator.
  8. Open the downloaded file folder location, right-click the setup.exe file, and click Run as administrator.
  9. Follow the installation instructions.
    The plugin is installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\Genetec Inc\Genetec Security Center Plugins - ClearID\ by default.
  10. On the Installation Wizard Completed page, click Finish.

After you finish

Return to Config Tool, and connect the ClearID plugin to ClearID cloud services account.