System requirements

2022-04-27Last updated

For the Genetec ClearID™ system to run efficiently in your web browser, the computer or mobile device that you use must meet certain software and hardware requirements.

The requirements for ClearID web application are as follows:

Desktop requirements

  • Cookies and JavaScript are enabled in your web browser.
The ClearID web application is compatible with the following web browsers:
  • Google Chrome (latest version)
  • Microsoft® Edge (latest version)

ClearID plugin requirements

The following system requirements must be met to run the ClearID plugin:

Synergis Professional or Omnicast Professional is required for plugins support in Security Center.

The ClearID plugin must be installed on a server that meets the recommended specifications, as described in the Security Center system requirements.


The server that the plugin is installed on requires internet access to communicate between Synergis™ and ClearID cloud services. All communications use TCP port 443.

Important: All data uploaded to the ClearID web application remains encrypted in transit and at rest.