Configuring connection settings

2022-03-08Last updated

To configure connection settings, you must load a previously downloaded activation file. This activation file is then used to connect your Security Center system to the Genetec ClearID™ web application.

Before you begin

Download an activation file.

What you should know

  • To install or configure the plugin in Security Center, you must be a Site administrator. For example, local security, system integrator, or Security Center administrator.
  • An activation file is used to authenticate the communication between your Security Center system and the ClearID web application.
  • For security purposes, the activation file can only be used once to register a plugin. After the plugin is activated, the activation file can be deleted.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the Plugins task.
  2. Select ClearID Integration from the entity browser, and click the Properties tab.
  3. Click Load activation file and select the activation file that you previously downloaded.
  4. (Optional) Configure the proxy server settings:
    A proxy server is a server that verifies and forwards incoming client requests to other servers for further communication. For example, when a client is unable to meet the security authentication requirements of the server but should be permitted access to some services.
    Specifies that a proxy server is required to access the Internet. This option is typically used by customers behind a firewall or where network access to the Internet is restricted.
    Specifies that a proxy server is not required. This is the default.
    Proxy URL
    If Proxy is enabled, enter the proxy URL supplied by your organization. For example, https://proxy:8080/outgoing. This information is typically supplied by the network administration team.
  5. (Optional) Configure the proxy authentication settings:
    Proxy authentication is the process of validating user credentials for access to a proxy server. This authentication typically includes a username and can also include a password.
    Specifies that proxy authentication is required.
    Specifies that proxy authentication is not required.
    Proxy username
    If proxy authentication ON was enabled, enter the proxy username supplied by your organization.
  6. If proxy authentication ON is specified, set a proxy authentication password:
    1. Click Set password.
    2. Enter a New Password and then confirm the password.
      Note: Use industry best practices for creating strong passwords.
    3. Click Apply to save your password.
  7. Click Apply to save all changes.
The ClearID plugin is now connected to Security Center.