LDAP attributes to ClearID attribute mappings

2020-06-22Last updated

When you synchronize an Active Directory (AD) with Genetec ClearID™ using the ClearID LDAP Agent Configurator, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) attributes are mapped to ClearID identity attributes.

LDAP attributes to ClearID attribute mappings

LDAP attributes ClearID identity attributes
Important: The whenChanged attribute indicates the last time a synchronization with the ClearID LDAP Synchronization Agent occurred. This attribute is then used to query Active Directory users that have changed since the last synchronization so that only changed users are updated when the next synchronization occurs.
Not applicable
userAccountControl Status
Note: The ClearID Status attribute is set to inactive if the Active Directory attribute userAccountControl is set to disabled.
givenName FirstName
sn LastName
displayName DisplayName
Note: jpegPhoto Is used to upload a picture into the ClearID identity.
thumbnailPhoto (fallback if jpegPhoto is empty)
Note: thumbnailPhoto is used as a fallback ( if jpegPhoto is empty) to upload a picture into the ClearID identity.
countryCode CountryCode
employeeID EmployeeNumber
employeeNumber (fallback if employeeID is empty) EmployeeNumber
title JobTitle
telephoneNumber PhoneNumberPrimary
phone PhoneNumberSecondary
Mobile (fallback if phone is empty) PhoneNumberSecondary
department DepartmentName
company CompanyName
Note: The userPrincipalName attribute is used as the link between the AD user and the ClearID identity.
Email, ExternalId
manager SupervisorName
mail Email