Modifying visit events

2023-11-06Last updated

From time to time, you might want to modify a visit event to change the event details, or to add or remove visitors or hosts. Updating the visit event details ensures that your visitors are always kept up to date following any changes to an upcoming event.

Before you begin

Create your visit events in Genetec ClearID™ by doing one or more of the following:

What you should know

  • Visit events can only be modified before the start of the visit event.
  • Any modifications to a visit event are highlighted in the updated email notifications sent to relevant recipients.
  • If visit event approval is enabled, any modifications to a visit event that are not Reason field modifications generate approval notifications for the relevant approvers to re-approve any changes or additions.
  • Changing an existing visitor or host email to a different email triggers a cancellation notification for the original email and a visit event notification for the newly updated email.
  • If visit event approval is enabled, changing a visitor name or host name details does not trigger email notifications for visitors, but does trigger the approval workflow again.


  1. Click Dashboard > Visits .
  2. (Optional) If the list is long, use the drop-down menus and column filters to refine the results.
    Enter a search criteria to search for the visit event by name.
    Select one or more status filters to search for the visit event using the event status.
    Start typing to find a site or select a site from the Site list.
    In the Date column, use the ascending () or descending () controls to adjust the order of the results.
  3. Click a visit event and review the event details to verify it is the event that you want to modify.
  4. Click Edit event.
    Channel Partner event example in ClearID with the Edit event option highlighted.
  5. Modify one or more of the following as required:
    1. In the Name field, modify the name.1
    2. In the Event date and time section, modify the start or end date and time.1
    3. In the Event information section, modify the parking location, host meetup location, or notes.1
      Visit event Visit reason modifications do not trigger any approval notifications because the reason has no impact on visitors attending the event.
    4. In the Visitors section, add, modify, or remove visitors.
      Any changes to visitors are assessed again to verify any watchlist screening criteria.
    5. In the Hosts section, add, modify, or remove hosts.
      Note: 1Modifying the Name, Event date and time, or Event information does not trigger re-approval (if approvals are applicable).
  6. Click Save to confirm your changes.

After you finish

Review your visit event details to verify that the changes are correct.