Synchronizing identities using One Identity

2024-02-01Last updated

Use the Genetec ClearID™ One Identity Synchronization Tool to synchronize external system attributes into Genetec ClearID™ identity attributes. These identity attributes in ClearID can then be used to assign people to roles and automate role-based access control.

What you should know

Using the One Identity Synchronization Tool you can synchronize external system attributes from the following data sources:
  • Azure AD
  • Database (Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database, ODBC)
  • File (CSV)


  1. Learn about the One Identity Synchronization Tool.
  2. Learn about One Identity attribute fields.
  3. Learn about the Azure web app.
  4. Install the One Identity Synchronization Tool.
  5. Configure the One Identity Synchronization Tool.
  6. Review synchronization status.